Attacks to the freedom of the Internet

My letter to Congressman Wu:

Mr. Wu,

I write to you concerned about the Internet. As we fully know, the Internet changed the world, allowing everyone to have the American dream of one voice, and a voice that could be heard.

Now, the Internet is threatened. ISPs are starting to get money hungry. I write to you to protect the Internet.

As written today on the net, “Time Warner Cable will begin imposing bandwidth caps on consumers in Beaumont, Texas this week as part of a trial program. Consumers who exceed the bandwidth caps will pay $1 for every additional gigabyte consumed”

Also, there are reports, which I grant may be some fear mongering, but need to be considered none the less, that the major ISPs are planning to attempt to change the internet from a neutral access to a subscription plan where you pay the ISP for access to certain major sites, then pay MORE for access to small sites.

This, if at all true, would be disastrous. We cannot let corporations hijack our right to express ourselves. They are already robbing us via oil prices, and now they would effectively silence the small sites.

Once they decide they can cram metered access down our throats, then they’ll take more and more away from us.

Please, please work with the FCC and do not allow ISPs to shape our access to the internet in any way.

Freedom of speech, and the freedom to be heard should be preserved at whatever cost.

1 comment

  1. If Time Warner does this in Los Angeles, I will cancel them and my cable service. I’ll switch tv to the dish and then get DSL. Our MMO’s alone will take us over the cap.

    As far as ISP’s controlling the internet, if they even try that, there are so many people that will boycott them that they will have to change their minds.

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