Fun with Photo Booth

My MacBook Pro arrived today! I used the migration assistant to copy things over, sans the Applications. Because of preinstalled apps, I didn’t have enough space. After an hour or so it was done. Ethernet did not work, but a reboot fixed that. The machine is much hotter than my PB 1.67, which was always… Continue reading Fun with Photo Booth

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I’m home!

I’m home and Coral walked while I was on the plane trip back! I can’t wait to see video! It must have been all of that reading we did Saturday night 🙂 I also want to thank my friends and family who have been there through this last six weeks or so. It is been… Continue reading I’m home!

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Coral’s First Birthday

My niece is the cutest one year old on the planet of course! Here are Pictures of Proof!

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Goodbye, Chef

We do love you Issac, even though your brain was scrambled by a fruity little club. I won’t be watching MI:III either. I’ve lost all interest for anything starring Tom Cruise. I’m most sad at Hayes for being so hypocritical. South Park’s beauty is that it pokes fun at everyone, every religion, every celebrity. That… Continue reading Goodbye, Chef

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Makin a roast

So as part of my self-improvement, I am learning to cook a little. Making a roast in the crock pot that Sara got for me (bless her soul, yes we’re just friends) I put in a 4lb roast, taters, carrots, onions and peppers. Oh and a little water. 3 hours later on slow I read… Continue reading Makin a roast

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So what is up with Steve?

Ordered a MacBook Pro! Should arrive by the end of the month! Demoed Sophie to our investors – Everything went well! Released a beta of BetterHTMLExport for Intel Macs! Recently single. I know. Sigh.

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I’m home!

I spent the last 2 weeks on Vancouver Island in the wonderful cabin of my colleague John and his wife Cordelia. I ate regular meals every day and worked 12-16 hour days. Today was our big demo to our funders in NY and apparently it went very well. A lot of code was written in… Continue reading I’m home!

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Goodbye, January 2006!

So let’s review: Tree falls into the house Move 4 doors down into smaller place in 4 days Travel to NY and Canada with a flu Have fever for 5 days Printer stops printing, buy a new one Kick power cord on UPS and blow a circuit, buy a new one Try backing up main… Continue reading Goodbye, January 2006!

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January can be over any day now

So my printer, Canon i560 survived the tree and printed ok, then gave up the ghost yesterday. Am guessing some crap was inside the machine and got sucked into the print head. Went through a set of inks cleaning to no avail. So rather than spend $50 for a new print head (+shipping) I bought… Continue reading January can be over any day now

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FIOS and Vonage

I ran my standard Vonage test today, rsyncing a large file up to my website while talking to Matt on the phone. For the first time, with no Quality of Service turned on, I was able to talk clearly and upload a file at around 213KB/s! Very, very nice.

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FIOS Installed today!

I had Verizon fiber optic internet installed today. here are some tests. My download from my website was slower, it never got above 500K/s, whereas comcast would spike to 700K/s for awhile. I wonder if this is a pathing issue to the server. The speakeasy tests were all much better on FIOS, and no packet… Continue reading FIOS Installed today!

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I love you, Sara

I went to my cabinet, still sick to find soup in a cups stocked up. No idea when you did this, but thank you 🙂 She really is special to me!

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Bye bye, trees

At least 15 pines and firs are being felled this week. I guess the owners got the message. I’ll have pics up later, when I am not so feverish. Is pretty cool watching these guys work though. By the way, if you come home and have white ribbon around your trees, that means they are… Continue reading Bye bye, trees

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Happy Belated Birthday, Lucien!

I missed Lucien’s birthday. What a nice guy. Always enjoy your company and running into you at Mac events or even the cheesecake factory 🙂 Happy Birthday!

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Sara’s iWeb site, blog and podcast

Gotta love Apple. 24 hours after she ditched MSN for .mac and iLife’06 (Yes she has it and I don’t, I’m in Canada!) she has already made her first podcast, with images, thanks to GarageBand and .Mac. Check it out

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All Moved In!

All moved in! Thanks to Julie and Sandy, we’re all moved in to the new place. It is definitely smaller, sigh, but will have to do for now. The movers took 4 hours to move most of my stuff (not counting what we did on New Years) and then with Julie’s truck, we packed up… Continue reading All Moved In!

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Well it has been a crazy week as you all know. Here is where things stand: I’ve been working on Sophie at nights, as I have a demo this weekend to produce The move happens tomorrow. The landlord’s insurance is going to pay for it! I have taken over BetterHTMLExport, a fantastic iPhoto plugin originally… Continue reading Update!

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